1. What is Arthur C. Schaper's “State of the Union”?

 I was
interested in radio the momentum a local radio host invited me to call into his
show a few times, then invited me as a guest co-host on the program. Our two
guest on the show answered everything so quickly, that there was a lot of free
time, and the host wasn’t ready with other prep material. I felt at ease and
calm speaking on the program, and stepped in to keep the conversation going.

The radio
host and the owner suggested that I start my own radio show, which appealed to
me, since I have a lot on my mind, and have a lot more to say. I like what I am
doing now, and already people throughout the South Bay region of Los Angeles, and
now around the country, are listening in.

About the
title “State of the Union”. . .

When I was
thinking about the title of my radio show, I first wanted to call it “The State
of Everything.” I realized that would be too wide a title, almost meaningless.
I then settled down to “The State of the Union”, since I wanted to talk about
issues at the local, the national, and even the international level. Besides, I
felt that my state of the union would be more accurate than whatever the
President (Republican or Democrat) shared before Congress every year.

2. What type of guests will State of the Union feature?

I will have
on my show political candidates, elected officials, and anyone else who has a
question, comment, or rant about the current State of the Union. I hope to give
more elected officials in Rhode Island as well as California and everywhere
else a chance to share their views.

3. So, you're a California Conservative; why the interest
in New England politics?

After the disappointing
2012 national elections, I discovered that Republicans were in a similar
discourage, dispirited place like the Democrats after the 2004 election. With
his many failures in foreign and domestic policy, I was convinced that Obama
would be a one-term President, yet he won reelection (although by a lesser
margin, and Democrats gained fewer seats in the US Senate compared to the GOP in

I then recalled
how the 2004-2005 Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean responded to
the Democratic doldrums: The Fifty-State Strategy. In 2006, Democrats won seats
in more conservative regions like Ohio and Pennsylvania that year. In 2013, US
Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) suggested a more libertarian stance on certain
issues (I agreed, since  less government is
essentially consistent with the GOP platform), to put more states into play.
Even Karl Rove started talking about a Fifty State Strategy.  Soon after, I contacted all the deep blue states,
especially in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions: Delaware, Maryland, New
Hampshire, and of course, Rhode Island.

Rhode Island
was interesting especially because I knew about the Chafees, and the intrigue
of a Republican turned Independent becoming Governor was too much to pass up.
Liberal Rhode Island had pushed massive pension reforms (supposedly), with the
same attorney who had helped out San 
Jose, CA. That pension issue has bankrupted four cities in CA, and was a
crisis point of discussion.

I love
writing, and I began sharing my take on issues in the state, hoping to help
flip Rhode Island and make it go red again.  One editor offered me space for a weekly column
on his website, and broadened my appeal. I also made lasting connections with RIGOP
leadership, then found myself getting involved in disturbing controversies
which (should) have national implications: the DePetro boycott, the pension
crisis, 38 Studios, the Avedisian-McKay spat, the RI Gubernatorial elections
(precursors to the national Democratic divides), the Providence mayoral
elections, RhodeMapRI, the rampant corruption and destruction which follows
Democratic dominance. There is a lot going on in Rhode Island which more people
across the country should know about.

Roger Williams


Oh, and I am
big fan of Roger Williams!

4. Having been born and raised in liberal-leaning
California, what is the origin of your conservative ideology?

My parents
were conservative, law-abiding, Bible-reading people. At an early age, when
Democrat Bill Clinton was running for President, I realized that integrity and
honesty were key components for an elected official. Bush 41 had lied about not
raising taxes. Ross Perot was the immediate draw for me. I believe that life
begins at conception, and science confirms this. In fact, the conservative
world view has a lot of science which confirms it.

In effect , I
am a conservative because I am interested in the truth of things, rather than
believing whatever makes me feel good. The truth does set you free, and having
an accurate awareness of what is true, based on fact, research, statistics, and
legacy, all reveal that a limited government based on constitutional rule,
which respects individual liberty, i.e. a conservative state, is the best way
to govern a country, as well as a state or municipality.

5. In 5 words or less, what is America's your
prescription, or best dose of medicine that can fix what ails us?

Elect concerned
courageous, consistent, conservative representatives. (Notice that I did not
write “Republican”, since party affiliation is not a necessary condition for

6. Which is
scarier? A Democrat controlled White House? or Democrat controlled Congress?

Oh brother, like Charybdis and Scylla. I would have to
say a Democratic President, since Democratic majorities caved to President Bush
and his demand for a troop surge in Iraq, which was the right thing to do.
President Obama is a reckless executive, ignoring the rule of law and arbitrarily
exercising discretion with abandon, and doing real harm to this country.

Much of the lawlessness were are enduring in this country
stems from lawless executives, including the current occupant in the White
House. We need better leadership in this country.

7. Anything
else you want to tell us?

Just stay tuned, Rhode Islanders!

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